giovedì 1 marzo 2018

Louis victor pierre raymond de broglie

In possesso del titolo nobiliare di duca e discendente indiretto di Jacques Necker, Madame de Staël e del barone Holstein, fu accademico di Francia. At this stage he did not envisage a career in science, but was interested in taking literary studies at university.

Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymon 7. He was the founder of wave mechanics. Find this author on PubMed. Search for more papers by this. This video is a low quality screen capture.

Salve, vorrei comunicare la presenza di un errore. Discovered the wave nature of electrons. In his time, the wave and particle. Han var bror till fysikern Maurice de Broglie.

He discovered that electrons are similar to both particles and waves. Seu "estágio" nesse laboratório foi extremamente proveitoso, pois conseguiu familiarizar-se com as dificuldades e métodos da experiência, podendo, desta maneira, construir seus estudos teóricos sobre uma sólida base de. Biography MathSciNet.

Dissertation: Recherches sur la théorie des quanta. Wissenschaftliche Zeitleiste Die Materiewelle Definition: Die Materiewelle ist ein Modell, welches beschreibt, dass jedem Teilchen mit einem bestimmten Impuls p eine Wellenlänge λ zugeordnet werden kann. Ney ed ebbe parte notevole.

Louis victor pierre raymond de broglie

Broglie, Achille-Charles-Léonce- Victor duca de. Louveciennes, Francija. Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, Francija, † 19. He had an elder brother, Maurice, who too went on to become a physicist.

Louis victor pierre raymond de broglie

Licencié en histoire. Affecté, comme sapeur du Génie, au service de radiotélégraphie militaire à la Tour Eiffel.

Louis victor pierre raymond de broglie

Provenía de una familia de aristócratas franceses que, desde el siglo XVII, había tenido soldados, diplomáticos y hombres de estado. Es uno de los creadores de la moderna teoría del movimiento de los microobjetos: la mecánica cuántica. Er gehörte zur französischen Adelsfamilie der Broglies und war jüngerer Bruder des Experimentalphysikers Maurice de Broglie.

Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku za otkriće dualne prirode elektrona. Nobeli füüsikaauhinna, olles vaid 37-aastane. He gained worldwide acclaim for his groundbreaking work on quantum theory.

Il est affecté durant la. Autograph Envelope unsigne 7¼x3¾. Addressed in his hand to: "Monsieur Russell E. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. University of St Andrews.

Académie française. Físico francés conocido a veces en castellano como Luis de Broglie. Hänen suurin tieteellinen saavutuksensa oli hiukkasten aaltoluonteen keksiminen.

Pertenecía a una de las familias más distinguidas de la nobleza francesa, siendo el séptimo duque de Broglie. Zugleich war er einer der wichtigsten Physiker des 20. Sorbonne in Paris for years.

Maurice had been a naval officer where he worked on early radio systems for ship to ship and ship to shore communication.

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