When linked with another Materia, it will follow up its effect with a physical attack from the user in the same turn. Se la Materia ha colpito tutti i nemici, o un bersaglio casuale, il personaggio si scaglierà contro un nemico a caso. Evil, evil Materia combos. Great materia combos.
Final Fantasy VII Forum. The attack will hit the same target that you use the spell on. This Materia can still be picked up if you missed it. DoubleCut and SlashAll materias do not work when paired with support materia.

If your character has a 255% Hit weapon (like Vincent), Deathblow always connects. This is a popular combo for those characters, as it basically gives you 3x damage per roun almost on par with 4x Cut. All is in many places but Red XIII comes with one equipped. For example, say you have steal and added cut together in joined slots.